Cathy Myers for Congress
Although Cathy Myers didn’t ultimately win her bid for Congress in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District, I am proud that I had the opportunity to work with such an inspiring candidate. Running in Paul Ryan’s district as a Democrat and the only female in the race, we knew a win was a long shot. Nevertheless, we still raised a total of $1,102,790.38 (with an average donation of 20$). Fundraising efforts included digital ads on social media, in conjunction with a robust email program that grew to be 72,058 strong, garnering an average 8.92% open rate and .98% click through rate. I created graphics — often animated — for her email program as well as several versions of ads to test what creative worked best. Despite the election results, Cathy's resilience and dedication to public service as a single mother and public school teacher serve as an inspiration to all who supported her campaign.
I’m proud to say that collective our work for Cathy won a Silver ADDY in the Online/Interactive Public Service Campaign category in 2019. 🏆
This project was created during my time at Change Media Group.
Amy Libka, Project Manager
Mariel Brown-Fallon, Advertising/Fundraising
Carly Fox, Email & Digital Ad Design
Kalli Barrone, Branding/Logo Design & Website
John Flynn, Website Development
Campbell Thompson, Additional Design Needs